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Essay about "Purposes of Participating the Youth Forum/Organization"
by Hardika Dwi Hermawan
Informatics Engineering of Education
Human being as social creatures needs a help from another person in their life. They come together, work together, and communicate one another. By come together, human being are be able to give each other, receive one another, control their selves properly, not only inside but also outside. One of the ways to have a relationship with others is trough organization.
An organization
is a group of people in an umbrella for everyone’s purposes. According to Prof.
Dr. Sondang P. Siagian, defined that an organization is all of alliances
between two or more person who work together and formally tied in the case of
achieving certain purposes which is determined in an organization in which
there is one or are more person which is called as the superior and someone or
a group of people as subordinates.
There are so
many examples that successful people, in this nation, who work as a leader, a
businessman, or the other established social status had experienced the bitter
sweet of organization. Hence, organization become highly important for us,
moreover, in this globalization era. In an organization we will be sharpened
and trained to live together with others, in both happiness and sorrow. Through
organization, the quality of our skill will increase steadily. Soft skill is a
way to develop and employ the EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Soft skill
itself is defined as the ability outside the technical ability and academic
ability which cannot be obtained in the college. In organization we can train
our soft skill which is including social interaction, technical skill and
managerial skill to face the world of work. Not only need our hard skill but
also world of work need our soft skill such as an honest manner, the ability of
communication, and the commitment of working together.
Trough the
organization, we can train our adaptation ability and be tolerant for the diversity
of religions, social and also norms believed. The continuous and controlled
training and also practicable will add our soft skill ability. And here is my
true story related to organization. In the past, I was a shy boy, unconfident,
and also introvert. When I was at junior high school, I ever asked to give a
material for my junior in an activity. Because of my untrained soft skill, I
was afraid of entering the class just to give the material. But when I was at
senior high school, I decided to join in the Scouts. At the first time, I could
not feel the benefits of join Scouts, but after one year I could feel it, even
until now the benefits still exist. There are so many experiences in solving
problem, being a good leader, speaking in front of people, thinking critically,
how to manage our activity properly, how to interact with another person and so
many other skills which I could not get in a class but in organization. After
experiencing scout, I feel that join in an organization is very important.
The training
about character building through scout movement and how important the
application of trisatya and dasadarma, grow undoubtedly inside my
soul. I really feel the benefits of joining organization. Organization could
change me from being shy, unconfident, and introvert person to someone who can
speak my mind up bravely and candidly, moreover I became more welcomed to
everyone. Finally, I kept continuing this activity until I got Penegak Laksana title that is a Pramuka
Penegak level after Pramuka Penegak Bantara which is the highest level in my
organization at that time.
In organization,
we learn to value people, accept advices wisely and listen to opinions but
still firm in keeping what is right and proper to do and leave what is bad. We
also learn to care for our organization friends. If we can care for our close
friends, we can develop our care-feeling better to people out there.
From the essay
above, there are some points why the organization is important:
to train a leadership
“Leadership is a process to influence
another people in which a leader invites his/her subordinates to participate
willingly to reach the aim of the organization.” In an organization we will be
trained to be someone who has leadership ability.
purpose in joining an organization is to build ourselves, especially our soft
skill, including our leadership. In world of work, EQ will be more determining
compare with IQ. If it is measure in statistic, 70% EQ has a big role to
support your success, but IQ only has 30%, like what Anis Baswedan said, that
GPA only a registration ticket, but it is not a road to success.
is giving benefits to others
Trough joining in an organization, we
will experience activities that bring benefits for others and what is rarely
done by people in general. By doing organization, we can optimalize our
activity which can bring benefits for other people.
I have a quotation from my friend Luthfi:
“It is because I know who I am and I know the benefits of joining organization.
To be an ordinary people is usual! I want to be an extraordinary person who can
bring a lot of benefits for the other people trough joining many activities and
dig up my potential.”
can expand connection/networking
Trough organization we can get more
friends, more colleagues, alumnus who come from inside our outside the campus
as well. This is so important that in the future it can influence our world of
is self maturation
Through organization, we learn to value
ourselves and another people. We learn about the meaning of being responsible.
It is very important to train us to be a person who knows what can be
prioritized, and of course, we will be more mature in thinking and behaving.
is bring the lesson of diversity
In an organization, we can know so many
characters of individual which is different one another. We can meet someone who
has a strict character, or relax, all of them in an organization. And those diversities
bring colors in the organization. From this point, we will learn to see those
diversities and learn how to treat them well and wisely.
From those five benefits, there
are so many other benefits which we can obtain through organization. However, not
a few of our friends choose to avoid joining organization. They are still
trapped in their mind to chase their academic achievement only. They tend to
think that join organization can disturb them to chase their dream.
This kind of group is commonly said
by college students as kupu-kupu in
Indonesian or study then go home-study then go home(Indonesia:kuliah-pulang,
kuliah-pulang), only that. Besides them who did not join in an organization, there
is a group of people who join in an organization but cannot get the benefits
from it, they are people who see that “The important thing is joining in an
organization,” they who think like that, tend to ignore their responsibility in
their organization. It is because they are persons who do not have a pure
willingness to join in an organization. They join in an organization because
certain reasons or they can be being forced to join on it. Finally, they cannot
optimalize their ability and potential.
So that is the case why
“organization is important” and not “the important thing join in an
organization”. I hope we can always participate in an organization and develop
our quality trough organization. Let’s contribute!
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